Euthanasia is the best solution for pets that are suffering from no available alternatives for their health issue. However, not all pet owners prefer euthanasia for their pets because owners wish to stay a few days more with their dear pets.
Euthanasia can be followed when there is no other option for the pet. If you are not sure about when it is time for the in home dog euthanasia, then ZenDog Veterinary Care will help you. They are located in New York and can help your pet to enjoy its last sleep peacefully. Visit their webpage to know more.
Pet Euthanizing – the Right Time
The suffering of your pet becomes worse day by day if the disease or the disorder that it is suffering from is incurable. You cannot decide the right time to put your pet down. Hence, it is suggested to rip the band-aid off as early as possible and let your pet go to its final sleep of life.
Questions to Ask
Here are some questions that you should ask before choosing the euthanasia process.
- Will your pet suffer more, if you postpone the date of euthanasia?
- Is it possible that your pet might recover in the future from its disease if any treatment plan is available for it?
- Is your pet sleeping, urinating, and defecating properly?
- Is your pet in pain?
- Is your pet acting normal like how it used to before?
- Is your pet following the normal eating procedure?
If your veterinarian will answer with “NO” to these questions, then understand that it is time to find a date for your pet euthanasia.
When is the Right Time?
As the owner of the pet, you will surely not find the right time to choose the euthanasia process. The best way is to take help from these below-mentioned options.
- Your veterinarian may not choose the date for euthanasia on your behalf, but they will surely let you know about the current condition of your pet and how worse can it get in the future days.
- Take a look at the previous photos and videos of your pet and understand how lively and happy your pet was before its illness.
- Start marking the good and bad days of your pet with a simple tick mark in different color pens or with the help of happy and sad emoticons. If you feel like the sad faces are outweighing the happy faces, then it is time.
- Try to indulge your pet in the things that it loves doing with you or when alone. If you feel like your pet has lost interest in the things that once it felt fun to do, then it is time to let go.
It is very hard to let go of your companion who was with you through all your times for more than 10 to 15 years. However, your pet will have had its dog quality of life and it is time to put it down if you feel like it is suffering on its own. They cannot express their pain in words like humans, and hence they take the help of their action. Understand them and let them go before they suffer more.